Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Birthdays and silly things I'd waste my money on

My birthday is coming up soon, yay me. On a related note, a really close friend of mine has her birthday coming up soon too, and it's a 21st. There is potential for a Harry Potter theme, and, my, does this have me all giddy. By the way, I love Harry Potter... But we won't go into too much detail on that, apart from the fact that I've been requested to dress up as Hermione (obviously!), so I've been doing some online shopping.

The first item that would be required is the straightforward outfit: Robes. This keeps the outfit very wizarding and such, and obviously I need Gryffindor robes, because that's Hermione's house (makes sense, right?). If I were to choose which house I would be in, I would probably have ended up in Ravenclaw. Make of that deduction what you will...

Universal studios Gryffindor robes

Those are the real deal right there, but they come with a real deal price tag, so for a more reasonable purchase, this may be considered: Amazon

The next obvious item for a witch (or wizard) would be their wand. So here is Hermione's wand...

Again from Amazon 
... The reviews seem pretty positive too, unlike many of the other items. The box is really cool as well, straight from Olivander's. BUT!!!

But... Then I found this...

Dumbledore's wand... The Elder Wand.
The Death Stick, the Wand of Destiny. Yes, you know the one
So I am faced with the slight dilemma because Hermione can't exactly be going around with Dumbledore's wand, even though it's so cool and who wouldn't want this wand? I do think I'll have to settle for 10¾" vine wood, with a dragon heartstring core. 

And finally, to finish off Hermione's character, even though she no longer has it...

Her Time Turner

I think I could make a great Hermione Granger.

I'm not the only one who is sad that I will never to get to spend hours with her and her friends ever again, but I suppose that's why we have themed birthday parties: living for the dream...

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