Sunday, 21 April 2013

Easter with the family... Also known as "FOOD"

Wake up - eat.

Great start to the day. We were meant to go out for brunch, but this turned out to be way better

Find 'em - eat.

Can you spot the Ferrero Rocher? Well done, Mom

Rest break - eat.

Our Easter haul for the year. Needless to say, it didn't last very long.

Ah, man, Easter is a great time. Not to lose the meaning of the event at all, but Easter Sunday is a day for celebration, and I love how most people agree with me that food is the best way to celebrate things. 

Bro struggled for a while to get the Ferrero Rocher out of its hiding place.
Big sister to the rescue! Except I kept it. Hehe, bad sister I know. But
he did find more of them than I did anyway, so it was fine.

It was a bit of a quieter Easter for us this year, but it was really special to be spending time with family. This time last year I was in Hong Kong, so it was good to be home for a change.

Why yes, that is half a kilo (0.5kg) of Lindt bunny with its baby. And they tasted wonderful of course.
Omnomnom rabbit...

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